Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Our Golden Springs Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) provides many enrichment family nights and funds to support some of our school programs. Last year, our PTO sponsored and coordinated special events including Fall Festival, Trunk or Treat, Cookies with Santa, Family Dance, Family Picnic, and Reading Under the Stars. PTO also supported our Accelerated Reader, PBIS incentives, and Safety Plan. We could not offer these experiences without the PTO. Please participate in our school fundraisers throughout the year to support our PTO in all they do and consider serving on our PTO Board to plan and prepare for school events. If you would like more information, let the office know and one of our PTO board members will contact you. PTO also needs volunteers to help with events and fundraisers. Parents/guardians can volunteer as much or as little as you are available. This is a great opportunity to support our school, meet other families, and have fun!
Our PTO sells Golden Springs T-shirts and sweatshirts. You can pick up an order form in the office.